My Clients

Testi 1

I never imagined I’d need marriage counselling, but here I am. I wish she could see the good in our life instead of sweating the small stuff. I had a good childhood. Some people have it way worse than me. I’ve got no right to complain. Talking to her is pointless. She’s too defensive to understand me. Talking about our sex life? She’d just laugh, and I’d end up feeling embarrassed. We haven’t been intimate since our second kid was born. I don’t feel like a priority to her. She’s always turning to family and friends instead of me, making me feel left out. After finding those texts, I would never be able to trust him again. He shuts down, and it leaves me feeling so frustrated. Why can’t we just move on from the past? We’ve discussed this so many times over the years, and she just can’t let it go. I’ve always felt like I’m just too sensitive. Like there’s something wrong with me. Why can’t I be happy like everyone else? The pain is constant. It’s like a weight I carry every single day. I keep getting flashbacks and nightmares. I overthink. I can’t say no. I’m a people pleaser. Sometimes I feel I am addicted to my intrusive thoughts. Can’t stop them.

Testi 2

“Two sessions with Tara helped me, more than two years of therapy in the past. Tara kept me focused and asked questions that no one, including myself, had ever asked me before.” London. EMDR

“At first I was unsure whether EMDR was the correct therapy for me but with your patience and guidance I have managed to resolve many different issues and feel as though a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.” Age 54.

“ Past therapies have left me feeling lost as the root of the problems were never addressed, but I now feel as though I have been thoroughly cleansed, and I am stepping out of the darkness and into the light of a new world, where I am no longer controlled by the past. It has given me hope for the future that things can always be resolved.” London.

“You were kind and understanding. You challenged me with compassion and sensitivity. I always felt safe with you.” Talking Therapy. Age 29.

“I didn’t believe in counselling. Maybe I still don’t believe in talking about feelings and crying, but meeting Tara made me believe that someone truly cared about me. She wasn’t pretending to understand; she really got it. That helped a lot. Thanks, Tara.” J. Talking therapy.

Testi 3

“I approached Tara because I felt exhausted and helpless in my marriage. In the first session, Tara introduced us to a new communication method that we had never encountered before. By the second session, we were already communicating more effectively. I felt deeply understood and acknowledged by my husband after a long time. Working with Tara has been invaluable, and her sessions have transformed our relationship completely.” Couples from London.

“I attended talking therapy with Tara for 12 sessions… Tara offered me the options of focusing on my current struggle which was triggered at my work or to address it more deeply by looking at my childhood and attachment style… Having been offered the options rather than being fitted into a particular Psychological model. It gained my trust to start therapy with Tara.” Age 35.

“Tara was a very attentive and caring listener and picked subtle points that I was missing… she asked the right question and gave me the space and safety to find the answer for myself… By the end of therapy, my confusions and doubts had changed to a sense of clarity and confidence.” J. 28.

“Tara’s feedback was spot-on. Each session left me and my wife inspired and motivated for change.” Couples in their 40s.